August 20, 2013

Our Africa

Any of you who have read this blog before know that one of our goals here is to portray our students, our colleagues and our friends […]
February 12, 2013

Schools and nations

Today I am going to throw a weightier post at you than usual. Yeterday’s BBC website includes an article about education and mobility in the UK […]
February 1, 2013

A Big Hello to Mary Nabalayo

I received an email from Sister Salome in Uganda this morning that one of her students had shown up early–really early–to school from the end-of-year break: […]
January 24, 2013

How excited am I?

Very excited, as it happens. Tonight I give you our very first new scholarship winner of the season-congratulations to Mary of Kenya! Out of respect for […]
January 20, 2013

Back to work!

Actually, we’ve been working hard over here at GTL, but we have (thankfully) reached the point where paperwork gives way again to more exciting matters. In […]
December 23, 2012

Tough choices; great moments

Happy Holidays to everyone! Here at GTL we are busy with holiday events, and I am finding a bit of time for some holiday cooking and […]
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