November 4, 2013

Lives Are Transforming – Conversations and visits

Every year we issue a few special invitations to friends and acquaintances whom we think might enjoy the chaos and intensity of our trip to East […]
September 21, 2013


Entente is a city of beaches. It sits on the vast shores of Lake Victoria and celebrates those waters with private resorts, public beaches, restaurants from […]
September 14, 2013

For Sharon

This post is for a young woman named Sharon, who is just about ready to take the world in her hands. If there is anything to […]
June 11, 2013

News from East Africa

Is there a busier time than spring? As is the case for many you I suspect, my month has been about work, recovering from tax season […]
May 28, 2013

Going to Africa

  It is that time of year again at GTL, when we begin our plans for the trip to East Africa. Our Board Members are, almost […]
February 12, 2013

Schools and nations

Today I am going to throw a weightier post at you than usual. Yeterday’s BBC website includes an article about education and mobility in the UK […]
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