January 22, 2018

Cecilia Cherono, GTL’s First Rift Valley University Graduate

Written by Cecilia Cherono. I was born in 1995 in Letoi village, Mogotio sub-county, Baringo county ( Kenya). We grew up in a humble background by […]
June 11, 2013

News from East Africa

Is there a busier time than spring? As is the case for many you I suspect, my month has been about work, recovering from tax season […]
January 30, 2013

Did I say that?

We like to think that the internet and all of its social media are to blame for publishing our quirks and follies to unintended parts of […]
December 26, 2012

In honor of

This post comes to you from a corner of the couch, where I am happily curled up with a sleeping dog, an uncalled for number of […]
December 23, 2012

Tough choices; great moments

Happy Holidays to everyone! Here at GTL we are busy with holiday events, and I am finding a bit of time for some holiday cooking and […]
October 1, 2012

My Ostrich

I am forewarning anyone who has been reading these posts that this will be a very silly one. Tomorrow we are headed off to the Kisumu […]
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