Written by Scovia Nakabitto (Member of GTL Uganda Alumni & Uganda CoordinatorWritten by Scovia Nakabitto (Member of GTL Uganda Alumni & Uganda Coordinator
The tears that flowed
Then dried on her cheeks
A lost daughter of this land
No fees for her schooling.
No food for the worms wriggling in her belly,
No roof over her browning hair
Tatters clothe her scrawny frame
To hide shame
In what’s left of her defunct esteem
She is voiceless
Lost daughter of this land.
She is abused and confused
Defiled and dejected
Humiliated and exploited
By impiety in her lost society
Lost daughter of this land
Now a young mother
Mothering another daughter
Equally lost!
Tear-filled eyes
She wears fear
Like a cold rope of death
No hope no courage
Just mothering another daughter
Lost equally.
She wears fear
Like a cold rope of death
No hope no courage
Just mothering another daughter
Lost equally.