Anne Omoro’s Story
August 8, 2015
Evalyn Nyaga from Kenya appreciates GTL’s role in her life
August 8, 2015
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President’s Letter

As the newly elected President of Growth Through Learning (GTL), I want to take this opportunity to share my

Nancy Dougherty

Nancy Dougherty

excitement and optimism for the future of our GTL mission: enabling bright young women to receive a high quality secondary education at boarding schools in Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda.

In the early 1980s my husband and I spent 2 years in rural Uganda and came away inspired by the strength and resilience of those we met, folks who were able to persevere in the face of extreme poverty and hardship.   GTL provides a wonderful way for me and many other like minded friends to provide a helping hand and share in the excitement of young women’s accomplishments, made possible by a simple gift of time and financial donations.


Harriet at Harvard

One of the young women funded with support from GTL is Harriet Wanjiku. Harriet is now a sophomore at Harvard University in Cambridge Massachusetts. Harriet deserves kudos for her hard work and perseverance to get where she is today.  Friends of GTL can take pride and pleasure knowing that so many of you have contributed to her success along the way.

November is an important time as GTL Volunteer Coordinators in East Africa are preparing for the next round and review of applications from girls who have demonstrated high potential for academic achievement. These girls have aspirations to complete high school and go on to further education, just like Harriet.  However, also just like Harriet, without financial support, they do not have the resources to carry on.

With your continued contribution, in kind, spirit and financial support, more young women in East Africa will be able to pay their school fees and attend secondary school during the upcoming school year (January 2015 through November 2015) and beyond. These girls count on your donations to help them fulfill their goals.

Join GTL and others in supporting young women to gain an opportunity for a better education.  In a recent publication by Melinda French Gates she highlights the importance of educating young women around the world and she states that “empowered women have the potential to transform their societies.” (Science, Sept 2014: 345: 6202)

Please consider making a donation to GTL this holiday season.

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