A post on meetings–but read it anyway
November 29, 2012
A little teamwork
December 13, 2012
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A cup of tea

When I started this blog, I promised you all a look behind the scenes at a small nonprofit (I can’t imagine why they haven’t made a reality show about that). Alas, behind the scenes this week you’ll just find a whole lot of tired people.

In the school systems of East Africa everyone is on holiday. Some of our students– giddy with their temporary access to internet cafes or mobile phones (if you still haven’t heard about it, anyone who is breathing uses a mobile phone in Africa)–have emailed us with greetings, which always makes my day. I am getting equally giddy messages from the coordinators.

Beatrice Mwaniki is happily recovering from her son’s wedding and the drama that comes at the end of every term spent with teenagers. Godfrey Okello is hopefully having a well earned rest after a month of going back and forth on a multitude of medical and supply issues for students at two different schools. And Sister Salome in Uganda writes, “you can imagine the quiet and peaceful atmosphere…I for one, I can even watch a movie!”

We’re looking a  little ragged here in the U.S., too. It’s scholarship season, tax season and fall newsletter season all at once. I am beginning to see spreadsheets in my sleep. Fortunately, it’s also a season for cups of tea, early sunsets and dinners with friends. I don’t have time to watch a movie, but I do have time to put the spreadsheets away for the night, curl up on the couch with a cup of tea and think of everyone else out there who is appreciate a few moments of rest. Rift Valley sunset

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